Case 01

What if we can increase sales to customers and prospects by working smarter?

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Case 02

Imagine if we can capture white spots in our existing market space?

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Case 03

What if we can segment the market in a better and more data driven way.

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Case 04

Imagine a CRM platform not perceived as Big Brother.

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Case 05

What if Sales Training can help close more and greater deals?

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Case 06

Imagine asking open questions could make a massive difference to a company’s bottom line.

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Case 07

What if Sales Training can reduce employee turnover.

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Case 01

What if we can increase sales to customers and prospects by working smarter?

Many companies generally fail to see the forest for the trees, but the growth potential is often right in front of them. Salespeople tend to focus on the customers they already know, and therefore companies usually do not focus on the most attractive customers.

With clear customer prioritization, companies will get a better understanding that can answer the following simple questions:

  1. Where do we get the most value for money in our customer and prospect database, and
  2. How can we make optimal use of our sales force to spend sufficient time with customers and prospects with the most significant potential?


A leading global sales company wanted to establish a new and more scientific customer prioritization approach. Prior experience showed that the company did not focus on getting new business and was only focused on existing business why sales dropped from year to year.

By mapping the objectives to a new way of working, a new customer segmentation- and prioritization framework was developed in close collaboration with the Sales teams.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, the company started working with prioritized accounts and a more structured way of targeting prospects. Sales to both existing customers and prospects increased by a double-digit factor, and time spent with prospects risen from zero to 20 percent.

Case 02

Imagine if we can capture white spots in our existing market space?

Many companies struggle with organic growth. One reason is poor and non-data-driven customer segmentation. We help B2B companies maximize their potential by working more data-driven and more scientific and connected with their CRM system and Marketing platform. Companies should fish in the ocean, not in a swimming pool.


A leading global manufacturer was losing market share in its key markets. Over several years, the company had not been able to grow organically. A Commercial Excellence program was defined together with the company, with the ambition to increase share-of-wallet by working more aligned and more data-driven.

By cleansing internal data, determining customer value drivers, it was possible to find similar companies with the same characteristics through external company databases. Market potential calculations on a segment- and geographical level were developed, which led to a sharpened customer prioritization, which gave the company a clear direction on where to focus.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, the company started working with prioritized accounts and a more structured way of targeting prospects. Sales to both existing customers and prospects increased by a double-digit factor, and time spent with prospects risen from zero to 20 percent.

Case 03

What if we can segment the market in a better and more data driven way.

Many companies struggle with proper data quality. Poor data quality can lead to bad decisions. According to Salesforce and McKinsey & Company, only 10% of companies have successfully broken-down data silos and aggregated customer information. We help B2B companies maximize their fullest potential by working more data-driven and more scientific.


A leading global industrial manufacturer struggled with transparency on its customers, e.g., not identifying the size, sales distribution across segments, channels, business divisions, and the sales potential with their customers. The company did not know all their customers’ sites and where they were located.

By mapping the objectives to a new future state, the internal database was cleansed by merging duplicates; enriching customer accounts with correct master data. The internal data was then matched with external industry databases and annual reports, adding specific value drivers to map sites to understand production capacity and potential. Market potential calculations on a segment- and geographical level were developed which led to a sharpened customer prioritization, which gave the company a clear direction on where to focus.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, the company increased its transparency, increased sales with existing customers, and got new business due to the segmentation framework. Furthermore, the salespeople have become more efficient since they now have a better understanding of the market.

Case 04

Imagine a CRM platform not perceived as Big Brother.

According to Gartner, up to 70 percent of all CRM implementations fail. One reason is that there is a misconception that the CRM platform will solve all missing or inefficient business processes. Another reason is the link to the commercial strategy, and a third is content creation. Insights will not occur out of the blue.

A successful approach follows the commercial strategy, with clear objectives and a focus on change management, not just lips service. CRM platforms can easily be perceived as Big Brother rather than a Virtual data-driven assistant, as is its intention.


A leading global manufacturer wanted to implement a CRM platform in all its global sales entities, align ways of working, and with the ambition to work closer to its customers with a direct link to all marketing activities.

By mapping the objectives linked to the commercial strategy, new business processes were designed in collaboration with Sales and Marketing across the globe, with the 80-20 principle in mind. All data was thoroughly cleansed before implementation to ensure high data quality. There was a considerable focus on onboarding and change management, with the end-user and cultural differences as a guiding star.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, all sales companies were onboarded and working efficiently with the new platform, with a user adoption close to 90 percent within a year.

Case 05

What if Sales Training can help close more and greater deals?

Many Sales Training Program Projects fail to deliver the desired results. It is rarely the Sales Program to blame. It usually fails due to lack of focus from Sales management, vague objectives, poor or no KPIs, poor change management, and the belief that one size fits all. It doesn’t. Sales Training Programs must be relevant, outcome-driven, measurable, and valuable.

We help companies co-creating Sales Training Programs that will stick. We link it to the commercial strategy and ensure everyone is involved passionately.


A leading global manufacturer acknowledged the need to improve its Sales Training to become more efficient, sophisticated and move towards a more training-oriented organization, which requires a more formal training approach.

By setting clear objectives and involving key stakeholders at an early stage, a Sales Training Program was developed, tested, and implemented across four Sales Divisions. The training modules had tailored content, clear ownership, built-in exams, and measurable targets and KPIs.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, the company confirmed a significant impact. The average order value increased as well as the revenue. The Sales Training material is updated regularly to stay relevant.

Case 06

Imagine asking open questions could make a massive difference to a company’s bottom line.

Many Sales Coaching Programs fail to deliver the desired results. It usually fails due to several reasons:

  1. A lack of understanding of the difference between training and coaching
  2. Emphasis is more often on the results rather than the behaviors, process, and quality
  3. The lack of objectives and a link to the commercial strategy

We help companies co-creating Sales Coaching Programs that will stick. We link it to the commercial strategy and ensure everyone is involved passionately and that there are no quick fixes.


A survey among the Sales Management team at a leading global sales company showed the need for leadership training. The company acknowledged the lack of an aligned foundation among its sales leaders and the need for moving towards a more coaching-oriented organization, which requires better-equipped sales leaders.

A Sales Coaching Training Program was developed in close collaboration with Sales Management and a professional coach. A pilot team, including one Sales Division, was onboarded and trained within three months.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, the Sales Management team confirmed a significant impact, the dialogues with their team have been fewer, more productive and sales has increased. The confirmed that they have freed up time for actually being a sales manager rather than being a firefighter. The Sales Coaching Program will be implemented across all sales divisions.

Case 07

What if Sales Training can reduce employee turnover.

Many Sales Training Program Projects fail to deliver the desired results. It is rarely the Sales Program to blame. It usually fails due to lack of focus from Sales management, vague objectives, poor or no KPIs, poor change management, and the belief that one size fits all. It doesn’t. Sales Training Programs must be relevant, outcome-driven, measurable, and valuable.

We help companies co-creating Sales Training Programs that will stick. We link it to the commercial strategy and ensure everyone is involved passionately.


A European sales company was facing employee turnover within the sales force by 45 percent, and the time spent on ad-hoc training was increasing dramatically, and as a result, the sales were declining. The company had taken a strategic decision to establish a Sales Excellence Project to improve sales competencies through:

  1. Sales culture moving to an active train-every-day organization
  2. Value selling material, product knowledge, product value (ROI), sales methodology & competition
  3. Expanded train-the-trainer concepts

A Sales Training Toolbox was co-created with the entire sales organization, including sales scripts, sales processes, negotiation tactics, et cetera. A train-the-trainer concept was implemented with scheduled training plans and annual exams.


As a result of engaging with Hanei, the company increased sales with a double-digit factor, increased employee satisfaction, and reduced employee churn.