Understand previous thinking. Take the best of it, leave the rest. Start fresh.
Move forward, understanding the opportunity at its core and observing from new angles. Embody the solution. Praise it.
Start pragmatically by carefully dosing own insights with outside inspiration. Put your business in the hands of Hanei Consulting Group.
Own the solution. Watch it make a difference – with a long-lasting impact. Or we have failed.
We are a team of independent professionals from diverse backgrounds who want to make consulting simple. We have extensive experience from strategy- and technology consulting firms, start-ups, and corporations, where we have solved problems in 50+ countries – from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. We are the architects of your growth.
We believe the value lies in our clients’ organizations and their people. We aim to unlock this by combining art and science, where art is people and science are proven methods. We combine guts and data.
Imagine a paper plane and how fascinating it is because it looks so complex. A simple piece of paper has been folded and flattened until it transforms into something unrecognizable. Sometimes it flies; sometimes it doesn’t. Then we must adjust it and try again. When we unfold it, it is just a simple piece of paper.
We solve complex problems with simple solutions that take offset in our clients’ business models and are easy to understand without any buzzwords. Together with our clients, we will fail fast and forward, so we can realize quick wins. We fail until we succeed. We call it The Paper Plane Approach.
Perhaps your solution is an elephant or a turtle. Let’s unfold, rethink and fly to new heights. Together.
Imagine asking open questions could make a massive difference to a company’s bottom line.
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It’s all about people. The paper plane approach has no boundaries in a changing and dynamic world.